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Forest Therapy

remember where you belong

Forest Therapy is a healing process that helps quiet your mind, awaken your senses, and become fully present in nature. It involves a series of invitations including guided meditations, solo time on the land, and reflection to open yourself to the inherent healing of the forest. It supports you to deepen connection with the natural world and remember where you belong in the greater web of life.

Who is it for?

Forest Therapy is for anyone seeking a more profound relationship with nature. It is done at a relaxed pace and is available to anyone that is able to walk on a gentle forest trail. It is particularly supportive for those experiencing anxiety, depression, insomnia, or other stress-related symptoms.

Where does it take place?

Sessions are available at a local nature space.

How much does it cost?

The rate is $100/hour. Sessions run for a minimum of one hour.

This offering is also available for small groups (2-10 people). Group sessions run for a minimum of two hours.

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